Music News
By 97.1FM The Drive |
Richie Sambora drops “I Pray,” the first of four new songs
Corine Solberg/Getty Images
Richie Sambora is out with new music.The former Bon Jovi guitarist just released the brand new single, “I Pray,” and that’s just a taste of what’s to come.
Sambora is planning to release three more tracks to digital platforms throughout the month of May. “I Pray” will be followed by “Livin’ Alone,” coming May 3, “Songs That Wrote My Life,” out May 10, and “Believe (In Miracles),” coming May 17.
You canlisten to“I Pray” now via digital services and on YouTube.
“I’m at that point in my life where I am truly happy and a big part of that joy comes from writing songs and making music,” Sambora shares. “There’s a tremendous freedom with these songs because I don’t have to think about charting #1 or what’s happening on the radio, but I still put the same craftsmanship, care and love into it as I did with Slippery When Wet or New Jersey and I hope they bring a similar happiness to those that choose to listen and push play on streaming services.”
The song release comes as Richie is featured in the brand new docuseriesThank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story, which is streaming now on Hulu. The four-part series follows the 40-year career of his Rock & Roll Hall of Fame band Bon Jovi.
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